2012-06-10 - Metropolitan Branch Trail to Clair

^z 4th March 2023 at 5:55am

~10 miles @ ~11.5 min/mi

Decorative benches on a grassy field in Takoma Park catch my eye on the way down the Metropolitan Branch Trail on Sunday morning. From home at 5am the trek is uneventful, with mile splits 11:09 + 11:17 + 11:09 + 11:53 + 11:37 + 11:11 + 10:50 + 13:22 + 11:35 + 9:48 from the Garmin GPS trackfile. Today the iPhone Runens app agrees to within a few seconds in time and a fraction of a percent in distance.

More striking than the park benches, however, is the trompe-l'œil painting on the wall of "Dance Place" on 8th Street in NE DC:

A couple of miles later I arrive at comrade Clair Sullivan's home — cf. 2012-06-10 - MBT with Clair and Sophie.

^z - 2012-07-09